Album: The Greatest Music Albums of All Time
The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars
9. The Rolling Stones Exile on Main St.
8. The Rolling Stones Let It Bleed
7. The Doors The Doors
6. Led Zeppelin Houses of the Holy
5. The Beach Boys Pet Sounds
4. The Beatles Rubber Soul
3. The Beatles Revolver
2. The Beatles Abbey Road
1. The Beatles Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
1 / 10
Music is a very objective sort of media. Some people enjoy rock music, and others would rather calm their minds with a bit of jazz. Some like all! Whether it be pop or rap or any other genre, music has a way of taking us to other dimensions.
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The greatest musicians of our time have set their names in stone by releasing age-less music that can be enjoyed by generations to come. In this album, we've compiled the best albums of all time. Spoiler alert: The Beatles dominate this list. Which one is your favourite?
This article was previously published on UAE Moments.To see the original article, click here