Here’s When Summer 2024 Will Officially Start in Bahrain

  • Publish date: Monday، 03 June 2024

Bahrain’s Summer Season Declared by Astronomical Researcher

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Bahrain's astronomical researcher Ali Al-Hajri has officially announced the commencement of summer in the country. The season is set to begin on June 20 at 11:50 PM local time, based on calculations conducted by Al-Hajri.

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Astronomical Findings Determine Summer Start

Al-Hajri's calculations indicate that summer will coincide with the first day of the next month of Dhul-Hijjah for the year 1445 astronomically, corresponding to June 7, 2024. Summer will align with the third house of the Pleiades, located in Gemini, lasting for 13 days from the first day of Dhu al-Hijjah until the third day of Eid Al-Adha.

Characteristics of Summer Season

Al-Hajri described the characteristics of the summer season, including the migration of birds, drying of land and plants, and increased humidity during calm winds. He also mentioned the notable shortening of shadows and the ground's absorption of the sun's heat during specific times of the day.