Read Your Daily Horoscope: Friday, 29 September 2023

  • Author: Find Your Fate Publish date: Thursday، 28 September 2023 | Last update: Friday، 29 September 2023

The 12 Zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

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A Guide to All 12 Astrological Signs

Scorpio Horoscope for Friday, September 29, 2023

(Friday, 29 September 2023)

Lock your ego in the closet and lose the key for several hours. You need your day to run smoothly, and you`re all too familiar with your ability to self-sabotage. You`re not just being good for goodness` sake. Serving a common cause means that other kinds of personal gratification are definitely out of style. Even if an act of charity is just an act, it`s real enough to whoever is on the receiving end. Don`t spoil a gift with the scent of insincerity. There could be such a wholesome symmetry to this if you let yourself finish what you start.

Sagittarius Horoscope for Friday, September 29, 2023

(Friday, 29 September 2023)

Clearly it`s your lucky day. Life is sweet when you`re the proverbial kid in a candy store. Or, by another metaphor, you`re like a shipwrecked sailor who`s just been rescued by a luxury liner and treated to his or her first banquet in years. Yes, the party is in full swing, and you`ve been elected guest of honor by a unanimous vote. Thanks to favorable cosmic conditions, the band is hot, and needless to say, your dance card is full. This is your chance to have many meaningful conversations and strike deals that will keep working for you in less festive times.

Capricorn Horoscope for Friday, September 29, 2023

(Friday, 29 September 2023)

You`re feeling entitled and carefree. You have no respect for the pressures and restrictions of life. Maybe you`re tempted to ignore all that and satisfy yourself. You`d be within your rights, but you should know that it`s not a wise decision. By surrendering to shortsightedness, tomorrow could be a very long day for you. Against all desires to the contrary, honor your commitments. If those no longer hold any personal meaning, at least consider others and what they expect of you. Put your actions back in the proper context. Your community would be much poorer without you playing your usual role.

Aquarius Horoscope for Friday, September 29, 2023

(Friday, 29 September 2023)

The clocks all seem to be running slow. There`s more time than you realize. Use this gift well. Consider it your jumping-off point for thinking about the ways in which you`re truly a free agent. Open yourself to mystery and surprise. Random acts play an important role in your life, because you know how to roll with whatever comes your way. Maybe you`re too busy right now, with all these gifts to unwrap, but when you have a moment, write about or verbally describe your moment of inspiration. You want to remember what happened and share your wisdom.

Pisces Horoscope for Friday, September 29, 2023

(Friday, 29 September 2023)

You`re not interested in waiting any longer. Diplomacy is useful, but right now it doesn`t feel essential. Exactly what is the difference between being proactive and aggressive? Even as you wonder about this, your unexpected actions are really confusing others. They thought they knew you, and now they`re too distracted to see that you`re trying to accomplish something meaningful. In spite of your haste, politeness and charm are still your most effective tools. You`re also perceptive enough that you don`t have to be so pushy. Use your intuition to read the subtext of a conversation.

Aries Horoscope for Friday, September 29, 2023

(Friday, 29 September 2023)

Part of excellence is the desire to excel. Your deeds speak for you. You`re a tower of physical strength and a mental giant. Your ideas may or may not be brand new, but they`re perfect for this moment. Your words carry weight, as if you wrote them in stone. All this just goes to prove that you`re a legend in your own time. Some would see irony in that statement, but you take it for what it is. There`s no time in your schedule for navel gazing, anyway. You`re ready for an experience. No, better still, make than an actual adventure.

Taurus Horoscope for Friday, September 29, 2023

(Friday, 29 September 2023)

Enter the world of appearances, and be sure to dress for the occasion. You feel the subtle but irresistible lure of styles and trends. If events shape design, then you`re on the cutting edge just by being here for this. Of course, there are limits to your resources. If you can`t trust yourself to spend money on so-called sensible things, at least see that you pay sensible prices for items that aren`t strictly necessary. Be moderate in the intake of your favorite poisons. Too much of the wrong thing might impair your judgment at a critical moment.

Gemini Horoscope for Friday, September 29, 2023

(Friday, 29 September 2023)

This is not your time to sit down and draft a reasonable, carefully plotted proposal. Instead, a fantastic idea grabs you by the scruff of the neck and shakes you wildly. Is this a stroke of genius or a grand delusion? It all depends on whom you ask. The right people will be easily convinced about the importance of your inspiration. Old friends and trusted associates make useful suggestions on how to move ahead. After a certain point, though, you want to hear some criticism. How can you argue in favor of your cause if you don`t understand the objections?

Cancer Horoscope for Friday, September 29, 2023

(Friday, 29 September 2023)

Fall back on the words of respected prophets and favorite poets. It`s comforting to know that someone else already went through this and reduced its essence to a few words or sentences. Dare to check in with your emotions if you can risk that critical moment when they override your rational behavior. Consider your reputation before speaking, and then watch your face in the mirror while you actually say the words. Seeing yourself as others see you can be highly instructive. This matters, because you`re such a social creature. You want to hold onto your current place in the community.

Leo Horoscope for Friday, September 29, 2023

(Friday, 29 September 2023)

If you already did it, you can talk about it. If you still await that moment, you`re looking forward to the lessons that experience is about to teach you. Eager pupils test well, moving on to the next level as soon as possible. Romance in all its glorious forms will open your doors and windows to wide new vistas. Whether you`re falling in love for the first time or rediscovering what you always knew, this is the right moment to be here. And if it`s good for you, it`s good for others, too. Your radiant mood brightens everyone else`s day.

Virgo Horoscope for Friday, September 29, 2023

(Friday, 29 September 2023)

Everyone has an agenda. If you`re not as ambitious as usual, be ready to stand aside as others go charging past. When money travels fast, you might not be the one who`s quick enough to catch it. However, you`d be wrong to think poorly of yourself. The trick is staying centered and self-contained in spite of an overpowering urge to surrender and scatter. And as it turns out, you`ve got plenty of back-up. Tune into the signals that, up until now, you chose to ignore. Allies come in many forms. Recognize them when you see them.

Libra Horoscope for Friday, September 29, 2023

(Friday, 29 September 2023)

Only you can determine the nature of this meeting. Are you butting heads or lowering your voices in conspiratorial whispers? No matter what you brought in here, the results will be intense -- and the world will just have to deal with what happens next. A business or romantic relationship could be forever changed. Faced with the choice of `I` or `we,` you might end up in love. When a precarious situation moves toward extreme results, it will always be a star-struck victory for some and an open-mouthed surprise for others.

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A Guide to All 12 Astrological Signs