Read Your Daily Horoscope: Saturday, 19 November 2022

  • Author: Find Your Fate Publish date: Saturday، 19 November 2022

The 12 Zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

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Aries Horoscope for Saturday, November 19, 2022

(Saturday, 19 November 2022)

You may be right but are you being persuasive? If you can really communicate your sense of vision and uplift companions then all will work well. On a real upswing, you will feel you can do almost twice as much as usual, and the truth is you can. Not that you will want to do too many routine chores or boring tasks. You will want to fly into activities that will give you a sense of meaning. Find some greater purpose to fulfil rather than just slogging through the daily grind.

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Taurus Horoscope for Saturday, November 19, 2022

(Saturday, 19 November 2022)

Now your hopes and aims for the future are changing suddenly and unpredictably. You want more adventure, stimulation and excitement. Initially you may feel slightly insecure if you let go old ambitions, but this is a time to test out the unknown. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Not that you will readily divulge what you are thinking, feeling or planning to any but your nearest and most intimate partners. Feeling strong, secretive and determined, you will play your cards close to your chest for a while longer.

Gemini Horoscope for Saturday, November 19, 2022

(Saturday, 19 November 2022)

You know you must be more original and open to risks at work otherwise you will end up feeling stale and bored. Arguments with influential people are likely if they try to tie you down. Try not to cling to security or continue as you have been doing. Because then life will force you to look squarely at how many compromises you are making. Maybe you do feel slightly more vulnerable than usual with the Sun in your opposite sign. But there is support around if you look.

Cancer Horoscope for Saturday, November 19, 2022

(Saturday, 19 November 2022)

You are happily tossing out of the window a good many ideas which have been around for a long time, perhaps since your childhood. Old teachings are being abandoned since you dislike having your agenda set for you. It`s your life, so your choices. Companions see you as having a fascinating mind. Let out your bright, inventive opinions. They may not always meet with universal agreement, but they will certainly stimulate discussion.

Leo Horoscope for Saturday, November 19, 2022

(Saturday, 19 November 2022)

Your penetrating mind is delving into areas that other people find obscure at the moment. What you find out may be startling or unsettling initially but in the long term you will be liberated by what you come to know about yourself and the world around you. In your emotional life, you will be acting rather unpredictably for a few days, switching from one feeling to another without warning. This makes it tricky for close relationships to run on an even keel. You do need tolerant partners who will let you go your own way.

Virgo Horoscope for Saturday, November 19, 2022

(Saturday, 19 November 2022)

Maybe your attitude to agreements is a touch careless, since you are finding it difficult to see the other point of view. If you can slow down slightly, and put yourself in your partner`s place, then you will be more likely to get your own way at the end of the day. It might also help to tone down your comments. Uranus can make you a touch rather un-diplomatic. If you insist on too much elbow room, or express yourself too freely, it can causes strains in rather fragile relationships.

Libra Horoscope for Saturday, November 19, 2022

(Saturday, 19 November 2022)

You need to be able to operate in your career in own highly individual style away from direct supervision. More and more you cannot bear being given orders or fitting into a highly structured team set up. Your own inventive ideas will be best. You are also exploring different ways of keeping fit, new diets and ways of sorting out minor ailments. All of this is down to Uranus passing through your chart area of health, which prompts you into taking a more open minded path than in the past.

Scorpio Horoscope for Saturday, November 19, 2022

(Saturday, 19 November 2022)

You are in a longish period of having Uranus casting its influence over your romantic life and self expression. Especially over the next week or so, you will be a sparkling though slightly erratic presence out on the social scene. In your heart of hearts you want to be wilder, more way out and having a whale of a time romantically. Whether you allow yourself this freedom is a moot point. But it is why you feel so restless at the moment around conventional relationships.

Sagittarius Horoscope for Saturday, November 19, 2022

(Saturday, 19 November 2022)

Freedom is what you really want, away from old restrictive situations and ties. Your home and emotional life may feel in a state of upheaval but you are abandoning much that was inhibiting from the past. What you want in terms of dÃÂcor is also very different, more modern or slightly eccentric. All this is due to the influence of state-of-the-art Uranus which is passing through the lowest point in your chart for a few years. It gives you a totally new perspective on what you want from your domestic life.

Capricorn Horoscope for Saturday, November 19, 2022

(Saturday, 19 November 2022)

Your working routines will be much speeded up and at times you will feel your energy is far too scattered. You will fizz and sparkle with brilliant ideas about almost everything now. Not everyone around will agree, but frankly you could not care less. You will demand the freedom to speak and act as you see fit. Uranus passing now through your chart area of everyday communications is opening your mind to new ideas, which can be inspiring though it does not leave you feeling very settled.

Aquarius Horoscope for Saturday, November 19, 2022

(Saturday, 19 November 2022)

You are a curious mix of original and rather earthy at the moment so your schemes may seem whacky but they will have a practical result in mind. You may seem to be stubborn to companions over money matters, but the truth is you are not at all sure what you want. You veer from not caring much to being rather possessive. Uranus in your chart area of personal finances tends to be rather roller coaster, but that is not necessarily bad. It just means larger lumps sums than usual come in and go out. So you must always be in a flexible situation to cope with any eventuality.

Pisces Horoscope for Saturday, November 19, 2022

(Saturday, 19 November 2022)

This is definitely the time to step out of the your shell. What you want is to be applauded by everyone around. Recognition is likely as you strive hard to get your talents out on display. Though you are in no mood to fit in just to gain the upper hand. Uranus moving through your own sign makes you determined to be yourself. You will act as you please, even if your behaviour shocks or startles companions who knew the old you.