Read Your Daily Horoscope: Thursday, 22 September 2022

  • Author: Find Your Fate Publish date: Thursday، 22 September 2022

The 12 Zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

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Sagittarius Horoscope for Thursday, September 22, 2022

(Thursday, 22 September 2022)

Your aim is casual but deadly. Time after time, you hit the target without even looking at it. The Stars won`t let you waste a single arrow during the next few days, which is always good news for the Archer. Consider this to be a cosmic promise of success if you`re looking for love. The balance is tilting in your favor. It all adds up to fire, laughter and luck. What you choose to do with those elements is your business. If nothing else, it`s sure to be spectacular.

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Capricorn Horoscope for Thursday, September 22, 2022

(Thursday, 22 September 2022)

The chickens came home to roost, but for some reason they`re not laying any eggs. Instead, all that you have is more noise, a bigger crowd and nothing to show for it -- yet. Stick to the plan anyway, no matter how useless it seems now. Your sense of duty got you into this. Leave it to your sense of discipline to get you out. It`s so tempting to speed up when the end is in sight. However, you can`t afford a single mistake at this late date. Slow down and check your work again. It has to be error-free.

Aquarius Horoscope for Thursday, September 22, 2022

(Thursday, 22 September 2022)

Did you ever think of yourself as a people collector? Maybe you should, because you have quite the assortment. The way they come to you, it`s almost as if you`re in charge of the membership drive for some club or organization. The old ways of looking at things no longer applies when categories are drawn along new lines. This reclassification takes some getting used to, but you`re up for the challenge. As you reinvent the wheel, why not reinvent yourself in the process? Everyone is so accepting these days -- even the people who`ve known you forever.

Pisces Horoscope for Thursday, September 22, 2022

(Thursday, 22 September 2022)

Somebody is getting closer when you`d rather that this person kept his or her distance. Discovering an associate`s secret could make professional dealings harder than ever. You strain at the bonds of courtesy as you wrestle with the idea of using what you know. Resist the temptation to laugh at an inappropriate time or you could have even more explaining to do. Maybe this will be one day that you can safely forget if you make it to the end without doing too much damage.

Aries Horoscope for Thursday, September 22, 2022

(Thursday, 22 September 2022)

You have a smile for everyone. You`re all walking together toward the same future, so it pays to be a good neighbor. Along with so many others that you know, you`re poised to undertake something new. You`ve never felt more prepared. Your skills are a perfect match for the goal that you hope to achieve. Taking chances seems like the most natural thing in the world. Even without the benefit of hindsight, you know that a certain sleight of hand or combination of events will set everything going your way. You wouldn`t be surprised to end up as the leader.

Taurus Horoscope for Thursday, September 22, 2022

(Thursday, 22 September 2022)

You need a new admirer. Somewhere out there is an audience that still hasn`t seen what you can do. If they wind up under-appreciating you before too long, maybe you`re expecting too much from people in general. The more you puff yourself up with hot air, the more vulnerable you are to having your balloon punctured. If you insist on taking things at face value, you may be the only one. Watch how others seem to look deeper and try to see what they see. Even if you don`t get it, at least you`ll have a time out.

Gemini Horoscope for Thursday, September 22, 2022

(Thursday, 22 September 2022)

The people around you are happy and carefree, but you sense that it`s a fragile situation. Don`t be the one who brings all this sweet silliness to a screeching halt. Save your heavy issues for a time when you really need to throw some weight around. Changing a group`s mood is almost certain to affect the outcome of a project or trip. And if you like where this is going, you`ll keep it going that way. Practice switching off your inner narrator. Try living directly in the moment instead of one step removed from here and now.

Cancer Horoscope for Thursday, September 22, 2022

(Thursday, 22 September 2022)

It`s time to look out for number one. For some people this could be about selfishness and dominance, but in your case it`s just an official excuse to take care of yourself, as if you needed a reason for something like that. You`re finally ready to put your emotional and physical health before any external issues. Maybe this is merely a case of routine maintenance. Maybe your flowers are just drooping and in need of water. At all costs, avoid feeling guilty about circumstances beyond your control.

Leo Horoscope for Thursday, September 22, 2022

(Thursday, 22 September 2022)

It`s your turn to be outrageous. To your credit, bizarre or uncharacteristic behavior is something that you can easily get away with. Friends and neighbors hand you this day on a silver platter. You burn with a kind of radiant heat that both soothes and excites. This makes you a therapeutic balm for some and a dangerous intoxicant for others. On top of it all, you have a universal cachet that demands respect. If you claimed to be from another planet, people would treat you as an ambassador instead of a refugee.

Virgo Horoscope for Thursday, September 22, 2022

(Thursday, 22 September 2022)

You have a mission. You`re disciplined enough to complete it. When you`re pushing yourself to the limit, you`ll get used to the idea that this isn`t fun any more. You know from hard experience that the only way to get ahead is by plowing steadily forward. What keeps you going is your satisfaction in playing by the rules. To you, this is the real test of your worth. Let others find their convenient short cuts. The people that end up judging you will recognize the purity of your efforts and the quality of your work.

Libra Horoscope for Thursday, September 22, 2022

(Thursday, 22 September 2022)

You`re in love with the learning process. You could absorb a few useful books, memorize a handful of videos and scan many of the relevant sites, but this time your thirst for knowledge is tied to your outgoing energy. The group mind is better equipped for processing certain kinds of information. Assemble this crew by stopping at a few parties on the way to your destination. Volunteers pick each other through criteria that nobody can explain. If you`re romantically involved with someone, you`re able to give him or her a surprisingly rich quality of attention under these conditions.

Scorpio Horoscope for Thursday, September 22, 2022

(Thursday, 22 September 2022)

Be true to your nature. It`s not as hard as it sounds. Shrug off the labels that never fit and the common wisdom that rarely makes sense. Even lone wolves delight in running with the pack when the spirit moves them. Losing yourself in the heat of the moment won`t rob you of your keen instincts. You can smell a trap from miles away and you can see through the most elaborate scam as if it were made of cheap plastic. Ponzi games and snake oil dealers won`t stand a chance around you. You call them as you see them.