Read Your Daily Horoscope: Thursday, 25 May 2023

  • Author: Find Your Fate Publish date: Wednesday، 24 May 2023

The 12 Zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

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Gemini Horoscope for Thursday, May 25, 2023

(Thursday, 25 May 2023)

Your pendulum is about to swing in the other direction. If you back yourself into a corner before things change, you may be stuck. Avoid the extreme behavior of others today. If someone tells you something is `for your own good,` that person is probably the only one who will benefit. Advice is cheap -- take it for what it`s worth. The field hasn`t narrowed. You still have a wide range of options. There are no thieves here, but you may need to lose something to restore a balance. An overwhelming grasp of the situation comes to you just in time.

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Cancer Horoscope for Thursday, May 25, 2023

(Thursday, 25 May 2023)

Has your workload been enormous and unreasonable lately? Take a break from bending over backward for others, and treat yourself nicely. Your goal for the day might be a good, nutritious meal and quiet time with a loved one. Sitting still and switching off your brain sounds like a good idea; let the world handle its own problems for a while. A change of scenery takes you out of your grim rut and lightens things up. It would help a lot if you could find something to laugh about.

Taurus Horoscope for Thursday, May 25, 2023

(Thursday, 25 May 2023)

Seek out a perspective from a foreign set of eyes. Hold yourself back before repeating someone else`s dumb mistake. A practical approach is clearly the best one. You prove yourself trustworthy, but your trust in others only goes so far. If you do go out on a limb, make sure you`re wearing a parachute! You`re not as much of a super hero as you think, and Bulls definitely don`t fly. Someone unfamiliar with your situation will be thoroughly impressed, no matter what you do.

Aries Horoscope for Thursday, May 25, 2023

(Thursday, 25 May 2023)

Your mad dash slows to a purposeful stride. Inspiration sets in at a deeper, more practical level. A judgment is made in your favor. Even as victory allows you to move forward, try not to laugh at the losers. Ruthlessness is in bad taste. Dare to be a good sport. The energy that you put forth is sure to attract the people and events who should be part of your life as it moves forward. Try something different and out of the ordinary, just to see what happens.

Leo Horoscope for Thursday, May 25, 2023

(Thursday, 25 May 2023)

The Moon adds extra fire to Leo`s already blazing heat. Everything you do is bigger and hotter than ever. You can get away with a lot as long as you remain consistently entertaining. Love and luck flow from your smallest action. Someone is going to fall in love with you today, whether you know about it or not. Ask for what you want -- if it doesn`t happen, shrug your shoulders, and look elsewhere. Everyone loves a hero, even if the hero is something of a rebel. Adventure is impossible to avoid.

Sagittarius Horoscope for Thursday, May 25, 2023

(Thursday, 25 May 2023)

The sky is the limit. Greatness has been bestowed upon you. Pass the gift along in honor of those who gave it to you. Your happiness and luck are amplified and reflected by the ways that you interact with your world. You cast a long shadow as you stride along. Nothing stands between you and your ambitions. Everyone loves a winner, so prepare yourself for a day of friendship and admiration.

Virgo Horoscope for Thursday, May 25, 2023

(Thursday, 25 May 2023)

You seem to be at your maximum carrying capacity. There`s nothing left to do but stagger ahead under the weight of your load. People love you for being a hard worker, but you have other redeeming qualities, too. Relax for a moment, and remember what they are. If you`re smart, you`ll learn enough from this experience to avoid ever having to repeat it. Despite all the joys of having a family, there`s the occasional downside. You may need to hold someone`s hand through a problem. Abandon your tendency to criticize, and truly try to be understanding.

Libra Horoscope for Thursday, May 25, 2023

(Thursday, 25 May 2023)

Watch out when people`s eyes glaze over in conversation. Good advice may not be enough when it doesn`t come from personal experience. Leave the public speaking for those with loud voices. You do much better in a one-on-one relationship. The beating of your heart is echoed by a pulsing of desire. Everything that happens now seems to be about relationships -- current ones or those about to happen. Your territorial range is expanding. Open your eyes to the people around you. The perfect connection can happen as soon as you notice it.

Capricorn Horoscope for Thursday, May 25, 2023

(Thursday, 25 May 2023)

If your forward progress screeches to a halt, consider moving sideways. Resources are limited and must be used wisely. Plowing your way through a problem may bring results but at a higher cost than necessary. Speed isn`t everything right now. Take the time to understand a situation by investigating the motives of the people responsible for creating it. Don`t be shy about showing that you know who your friends are. Find the humor in the situation. Laughter makes a noticeable improvement in the picture!

Aquarius Horoscope for Thursday, May 25, 2023

(Thursday, 25 May 2023)

Taking over and taking control are in the spotlight, and you are about to double your holdings and divest your interests and investments. You are in charge of organizing the group and keeping order, and you succeed at adhering to the agenda like a champ. Networking and making connections are your specialties, and if you believe in the cause, you are the first to rally for the tribe. Lean on your friends and associates for support.

Pisces Horoscope for Thursday, May 25, 2023

(Thursday, 25 May 2023)

The heavy hand of authority may shake you out of your daydream. You are lucky to be let off with a warning, but next time might be different. Take measures to improve the quality of your existence. If you participate, rather than escape, you might just get lucky. Playing the game is better than being a sour sport any day. Problems at work may weigh heavily on you throughout the day, and you might not share the same goals as those in an authority position.

Scorpio Horoscope for Thursday, May 25, 2023

(Thursday, 25 May 2023)

If you don`t start making commitments, who else is going to be reliable? Write appointments in ink, instead of in pencil. Hold other people to their word. You have no time for mass illusion, no matter how widespread. Trust your instincts, but back them up with hard evidence. Others may not follow your lead, but perhaps they will tomorrow. Even if your first attempt does not succeed, you know what you have to do to win.