Read Your Daily Horoscope: Tuesday, 22 November 2022

  • Author: Find Your Fate Publish date: Tuesday، 22 November 2022

The 12 Zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

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Aries Horoscope for Tuesday, November 22, 2022

(Tuesday, 22 November 2022)

You will tend to race around so fast that you don`t step back to sort out your thinking. There may be a slight muddle if you go cutting corners and not allowing yourself to think through things in a peaceable kind of way. Try not to get too busy, busy, busy. Luckily the Moon in flowing aspect to Pluto will help you sort out quite a few situations which have been getting on your nerves recently. Pluto is great for re-organizing and generally unravelling muddles.

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Taurus Horoscope for Tuesday, November 22, 2022

(Tuesday, 22 November 2022)

There will be new people, lots of excitement and interest around now. You`re curious to experience new things, very much in a mood to explore, experiment and be inventive. Just don`t go too wild. Jupiter will help slow you down. Lazy, indulgent and good humoured, it will bring all that energy into your home life. So you are likely to over indulge and expand as a result.

Gemini Horoscope for Tuesday, November 22, 2022

(Tuesday, 22 November 2022)

There may be fireworks in the air in terms of everyone`s mood. It can be sparkling, bright, rather entertaining or it can be noisy, disruptive and slightly risky. It just depends how you handle the influences. Don`t try to suppress what you want to say or do, but don`t let it all out in too dramatic a way either. Look after your health since you could be a touch highly strung. Try not to get resentful because you are not getting all the appreciation your might like at work.

Cancer Horoscope for Tuesday, November 22, 2022

(Tuesday, 22 November 2022)

Some odd aspects for the day can be rather disruptive. The mood, never mind the electrics tend to be very switch on and switch off. So there is slightly unsettled feeling about both financial and emotional matters. But it can bring some very positive aspects as well. You just have to be willing to open up to some risk, a little excitement, and grasp new opportunities which come along. Do not worry about voicing your feelings and your desires. Just try to speak calmly and with a smile.

Leo Horoscope for Tuesday, November 22, 2022

(Tuesday, 22 November 2022)

You may be rushing in where angels fear to tread and then two days later wish you hadn`t been quite so hasty about things. Try to watch how you go, especially where close partners are concerned. Don`t go flying into action in too impulsive a way. Pause for thought, count up to 25 and then proceed steadily. Keep pushing heavier chores at work to one side and concentrate more on family matters. Inner and spiritual growth will be more important to you than outer ambition until the end of the month.

Virgo Horoscope for Tuesday, November 22, 2022

(Tuesday, 22 November 2022)

Not a time to follow normal routines, you may find you are too restless, or just plain can`t be bothered settling down to routine chores. You won`t put up with anyone telling you to do this or do that. They may call you unco-operative, but you see it as standing up for your rights. Just don`t rush around too madly. If you spread yourself too thin, you may come across as superficial or muddled. Pause for breath once in a while, and collect your wits.

Libra Horoscope for Tuesday, November 22, 2022

(Tuesday, 22 November 2022)

Where loved ones are concerned, this is not a time to hang on to security at all costs and insist on keeping life the way it was. Open up to new experiences, be less stuck in a rut. If you do dig your heels in too much then you may find someone makes a break for freedom. Whereas if you hang loose you could find everyone brightens up. Just don`t take risks with money. You do need to be less emotional over practical decisions which could affect your long term security.

Scorpio Horoscope for Tuesday, November 22, 2022

(Tuesday, 22 November 2022)

With Uranus around, you may feel tempted to throw everything up in the air, to create a stir at home. But in a week`s time you`ll want life to settle down to its normal pace again. So make sure that you don`t ruffle too many feathers. Luckily with the Sun in your own sign, everyone around should be responding well to your presence since you are so warm and outgoing. You will bring a real breath of sunshine into rooms when you sweep in. Your constitution should feel stronger than usual.

Sagittarius Horoscope for Tuesday, November 22, 2022

(Tuesday, 22 November 2022)

If you are around other people too much you could get edgy, or feel crowded. With Uranus around you could suddenly leap to conclusions or go off to do or say something too wild. No matter what the provocation, just be cool and calm. At work, you need to keep your morale up by recognizing that nothing comes together spectacularly well at this time of the year for you. Be patient and what you want will all come right nearer your birthday.

Capricorn Horoscope for Tuesday, November 22, 2022

(Tuesday, 22 November 2022)

There will be surprises around money and friendships, which you will cope with better if you expect the unexpected. Treat whatever happens as a challenge and an adventure and not a threat. In your emotional life, play it cooler. If you cling on, or partners cling on too firmly, too possessively, then a restless energy is going to break free one way or another. Keep sorting out longer term plans for the next year. Bounce your ideas around and see what feedback you get.

Aquarius Horoscope for Tuesday, November 22, 2022

(Tuesday, 22 November 2022)

Don`t feel obliged to sit yourself in a corner or be stuck with anyone else`s agenda. Frankly you are not in a mood for it. Stand up for what you want as an individual. Popularity is not everything. Though you are rather proud and dignified at the moment, and putting a good deal of emphasis on personal reputation, you won`t compromise over important personal issues for anyone. You want to be noticed, not made to feel one of the crowd.

Pisces Horoscope for Tuesday, November 22, 2022

(Tuesday, 22 November 2022)

There may be differences even disagreements around now and if there are then you need to regard them as useful. They will bring hidden tensions out into the open. That way you can clear them out of the way once and for all. Maybe you are not being very realistic with the Sun in your chart area of grand plans, but you can always sort out what is practical and workable in a few weeks time. This is the much more exciting stage of allowing yourself to dream.