stc Bahrain Signs Partnership with Huawei to Plant Trees

  • Publish date: Monday، 23 January 2023
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stc Bahrain, the digital leader in the MENA region, has signed a partnership with Huawei to plant trees as part of the firm’s current “Trees for Life” campaign. Huawei is going to plant 2,000 trees in different places in the country.

This collaboration is a significant part of stc Bahrain’s promise to protect the environment and help solve climate change issues through expanding the number of green spaces in the Kingdom, which comes in alignment with the country’s vision to increase the number of trees by 2035.

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The campaign seeks to eliminate desertification, tackle excessively high temperatures and raise environmental awareness as well as air quality improvement in the country. 

“Trees for Life” was initiated two years ago, in partnership with the Supreme Council for Environment and the Ministry of Municipalities Affairs and Agriculture.