What is the longest Arabic word?

  • Publish date: Sunday، 05 December 2021 | Last update: Monday، 15 January 2024
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The longest word in Arabic is “أفاستسقيناكموها”. This word consists of 15 alphabetical letters, but if written with the proper diacritics, the count becomes 26 characters (letters and diacritics). This is how the word will look like “أَفَاسْتَسْقَيْنَاكُمُوهَا”.

Diacritics, help in word pronunciation and play an important role linguistically to clarify the meaning of the word. 

While the word “فأسقيناكموه” is the longest word in the Holy Quran, it is a common mistake to consider it the longest word in Arabic, although both words share the same root.

The first, “أفاستسقيناكموها؟, roughly means: “Did we ask you both to give it to us to drink from?” The second, “فأسقيناكموه”, means: “and We gave it to you to drink”.

The shortest word in Arabic is a one-letter word. It is the imperative tense of a few actions such as "ف" and "قِ".

Arabic language is of the richest languages with its vocabulary and amazing calligraphy!

This article was previously published on UAE Moments.To see the original article, click here