Your Career Horoscope for March 5, 2025

  • Publish date: Tuesday، 04 March 2025

The 12 zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

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Today will bring opportunities for progress, but patience and adaptability will be key. Find daily astrological predictions for all sun signs for March 5. We recommend reading the horoscopes for your rising sign.

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Aries Career Horoscope

What makes the Moon's friendly aspect to Uranus in your income sector and friendly aspect to the South Node in your work sector today significant is the timing. Partly because this peaks in the heart of the working week, but mainly because there is a lot more for this to trigger. Four weeks ago, Uranus was at a standstill and ahead of next week's eclipsing Full Moon in your work sector, work and job matters are already locked, loaded and waiting for the right trigger.

Taurus Career Horoscope

Don't be fooled by what might feel like a lack of motivation, for you have reached an important point in this professional year for changing gears. Three very active months on the career front only ended last week and with Pluto, who is here for the long game on his own, there is not only a chance to take your foot off the gas, but you need time to unpack everything from the journey so far. It is the urgency that is gone, not your motivation.

Gemini Career Horoscope

Knowing that by the end of the month Venus and Mercury will both be back in your career sector for a do over and both in time to be here before Neptune, the planet of hopes and dreams leaves, as the Sun moves into his final 10 days, there isn't the normal urgency. By this point in most years, you would be tying up loose ends and setting things on course for the coming year. This year, you haven't even begun to explore all your options.

Read More: The Best Careers for Each Zodiac Sign

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Cancer Career Horoscope

It is in the heart of not just the working week but of Venus' first week in retrograde motion in your career sector, that a friendly aspect between Mercury here and the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment in your work sector is starting to separate. Mercury only returned two days ago but walked straight into a situation where on the job and career fronts, things are evolving in a way not normally seen at this time of year.

Leo Career Horoscope

Having the Moon in your career sector in the heart of the working week is always an advantage. Especially with the Moon not only aligned with Uranus, the planet of surprise, synchronicity and the unexpected here, but at a friendly aspect to the South Node in your income sector. The Moon did the same when it was here four weeks ago, but this time Uranus is no longer at a standstill and there is a lot more for this to trigger on both the professional and income fronts.

Virgo Career Horoscope

The lead up to the Moon's return to your career sector tomorrow is an important point in any month to take a wait and see approach. Especially when it comes to jumping to conclusions or overthinking things before you have all the information. With the Moon set to meet up with lucky Jupiter for the second time since he returned direct but for the first time since being at a standstill, there could be some unexpected developments ahead.

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Libra Career Horoscope

On both the job and career fronts there is reason for confidence, but also to hold back or at least keep your options open. At the same time that the Moon is still three days away from his first visit to your career sector since Mars turned direct here, the planets on the job front are regrouping after Mercury left two days ago. With Venus and Mercury both returning to your work sector for a do over later in the month, there is a need to keep your options open.

Scorpio Career Horoscope

Mercury only returned to your work sector two days ago, but already he is just starting to separate from a friendly aspect to the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment in your income sector that peaked yesterday. Knowing that they will come together again later in the month and by then both will be in retrograde motion, this is paving the way for opportunities that you can return to later.

Sagittarius Career Horoscope

Just having the Moon in your work sector in the heart of the working week is an advantage. As it did when it moved through last month, the Moon aligns with Uranus here and forms a friendly aspect to the South Node in your career sector today. Unlike four weeks ago, Uranus is no longer at a standstill and ahead of next week's eclipsing Full Moon things are locked, loaded and ready to go.

Read More: How to Decorate Your Home According to Your Zodiac Sign

Capricorn Career Horoscope

The lead up to the Moon's return to your work sector tomorrow is an important point in any month for having your antennas up while taking a wait and see approach. While this will be an ordinary monthly visit and the second since Jupiter turned direct, this time when the Moon returns to sharpen your instincts and act as a trigger, the planet of luck and expansion is no longer at a standstill and is ready to run with anything this might trigger.

Aquarius Career Horoscope

With the Moon still three days away from its first visit to your work sector since Mars turned direct, you can afford to hold back. Mars has only been in direct motion for nine days and is here for another six weeks, with time the one thing you have plenty of. As well as returning to sharpen your instincts, the Moon will give you a better read on where to channel Mars' work passions, fighting and competitive spirit, which are just starting to kick back in.

Pisces Career Horoscope

While a friendly aspect between Mercury, in his early days in your income sector and Juno, the queen of commitment in your career sector that peaked yesterday is starting to separate, they will not only remain close but will come together again later in the month. Over the coming weeks Venus, who turned retrograde in your income sector over the weekend will do the same, with the money and professional gods set to work closely, not just for the whole of March, but for the coming months.

This article was previously published on kuwaitmoments. To see the original article, click here