Your Career Horoscope for October 26, 2024

  • Publish date: Friday، 25 October 2024

The 12 zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

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Today offers a chance to reflect and plan carefully as career insights align across work, income, and growth areas. Find daily astrological predictions for all sun signs for October 26. We recommend reading the horoscopes for your rising sign.

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Aries Career Horoscope

Ahead of the Moon's return to your work sector tomorrow, there is a need to have your antennas up but without overthinking things. With no planetary activity in your work sector since Mercury left last month, this will be a valuable chance to check in while this last visit before Pluto leaves your career sector will be a chance to get your ducks in a row across the income, work and career fronts before heading into the final two months of this professional year.

Taurus Career Horoscope

With the Sun gone from your work sector and the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment leaving later next week, the weekend brings a chance to pull back. With Pluto on his way back to your career sector but still over three weeks away, as you get your head around your game plan and resolutions on the job front time to hear yourself think couldn't be more important.

Gemini Career Horoscope

At the same time that support for both planets in your career sector is increasing and especially now that the Sun is in your work sector as well, they are also slowing down. Saturn has the brakes on moving into his final three weeks in your career sector, with Neptune slowing ahead of a direct turn a few weeks later. While not in retrograde motion Mars, in his final days in your income sector, is exploiting the doors still open to the past, second chances and untapped professional potential.

Read More: The Best Careers for Each Zodiac Sign

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Cancer Career Horoscope

After a friendly aspect to Venus, the planet of money in her early days in your work sector and to the North Node in your career sector yesterday the Moon, still in your income sector forms a friendly aspect to both planets there today. This is giving you insight into all the forces in play across the income, work and career fronts and with Mars just days away from kicking off the most lucrative months of the year the timing couldn't be better.

Leo Career Horoscope

It is not just the money gods that are asking that you start paying attention while taking a wait and see approach ahead of the Moon's return to your income sector tomorrow. This will be the Moon's last visit before Pluto leaves your work sector and by the time you move into the new working week, it will be bringing things together across the income, work and career fronts that will give you everything needed to move into the final months of this professional year with confidence.

Virgo Career Horoscope

While Jupiter's quest for professional growth and expansion will continue until he leaves in June 2025, in retrograde motion the urgency is gone. At the same time, until Pluto returns to your work sector next month you can afford to take a wait and see approach, knowing that the busiest part of the year is still in front of you and 2025 is set to be even busier. Today's nostalgic and reflective lunar vibes are a reminder to pace yourself.

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Libra Career Horoscope

Two days after the Moon left your career sector, this has not only left you with your professional instincts sharp but a better read on where to channel Mars' professional passions, fighting and competitive spirit. Having already connected with planets on the income and job fronts, it is a friendly aspect to Neptune in your work sector from tomorrow that will see the warrior planet of the cosmos and the planet of hopes and dreams join forces.

Scorpio Career Horoscope

With no planetary activity in your career sector since Mercury wrapped up his double dip visit early last month and as this should have ended all planetary activity on the career front for the year, the Moon's monthly visit should be nothing more than a chance to check in. Instead, apart from creating a lot of positive energy and insight across the income, work and career fronts, with Mars just nine days away, this is a practice run for the real thing.

Sagittarius Career Horoscope

The lead up to the Moon's return to your career sector tomorrow is an important point in any month for having your antennas up while taking a wait and see approach. With no planetary activity in your career sector since the Sun and Mercury left last month this will be an important chance to check in and that includes with the planets on the income and job fronts.

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Capricorn Career Horoscope

With Jupiter now settled into his retrograde phase in your work sector, the Sun having left your career sector three days ago and the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment leaving next week, you are nearing a point where this professional year reaches a point that is self sustaining. Knowing that once she leaves, she won't be back until 2028, Juno's final days are a chance to fine tune your professional game plan and resolutions.

Aquarius Career Horoscope

With the Sun settling into his early days in your career sector while Mars is moving into his final days in your work sector, an overlap is helping to combine the two while both are enjoying support from the planets in your income sector. While Mars will return to your work sector in the New Year, for now he has nine days to get work and job matters up to speed while the Sun will keep the solar spotlight on your career and professional situation, matters and options.

Pisces Career Horoscope

While the Moon is making its ordinary monthly visit to your work sector, something that every four weeks can give you a better read on work and job matters, as the only visit while Venus is in your career sector this was always going to be important. Yet while this is briefly bringing things together on the income, work and career fronts, with Mars just nine days away from your work sector this is a practice run for the real thing.

This article was previously published on kuwaitmoments. To see the original article, click here