Your Daily Horoscope: Sunday, 3 December 2023

  • Publish date: Saturday، 02 December 2023

The 12 Zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

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A Guide to All 12 Astrological Signs

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Aries Horoscope for Sunday, 3 December 2023  

(Sunday, 3 December 2023)  

There is a lot of activity going on around you right now and you just don`t feel like participating. It`s definitely going to take all of the strength you can muster, but you can do it. If you`re feeling brave and like to beat the odds, expect a rousing time. Otherwise, you`ll do much better at low-key or background activities. As the Stars start to grin in your direction, the world should be more responsive to your tactics.

Taurus Horoscope for Sunday, 3 December 2023  

(Sunday, 3 December 2023)  

Remember that old chestnut about thinking before you speak? Well, keep it in mind today -- saying the wrong thing at the wrong time could be a mistake of massive proportions. You should know your material and your audience at all times. Most importantly, be aware of your strength. Pause from time to time to gauge the effect of your actions. Any move that you make now could have long-term repercussions. Before you go any further, stop and have a heart-to-heart with yourself.

Gemini Horoscope for Sunday, 3 December 2023 

(Sunday, 3 December 2023) 

Much to your dismay, some of the pistons may not be firing when you need them the most. You may be feeling under the weather, or disappointed by some setback. Whatever the reason, you`ve stopped short of the goal. The people closest to you can tell that you`ve got little motivation to get out and make a difference. If you can find at least one reason to smile, consider yourself on the road to recovery. Give someone else a chance to cheer you up tonight.

Cancer Horoscope for Sunday, 3 December 2023  

(Sunday, 3 December 2023) 

Don`t feel bad if you don`t look exactly the way other people do. In this cookie cutter world, uniqueness isn`t always praised, but it`s still a quality to be prized. You deserve to be comfortable in your dress and your manner. Spend time with people who don`t care about the formalities. If your body wants to lead the way for a while, set your mind aside and let it go. When you look back, you`re more likely to regret something you didn`t do than something you did.

Leo Horoscope for Sunday, 3 December 2023  

(Sunday, 3 December 2023)  

You might be able to prevent yourself from hyperventilating, but it`s going to involve a little bit of isolation. Unless you want to have a panic attack in front of everyone, try to stay away from crowds. Others seem to be confrontational today -- or is it just you? The current Stars are just about to give a dose of the social niceties that you enjoy to everyone. Until then, the Lion might find it preferable to run alone.

Virgo Horoscope for Sunday, 3 December 2023  

(Sunday, 3 December 2023)  

After some disappointing setbacks earlier in the week, one of your pet projects looks like its up and running again. Thanks to the Stars, you can expect a sudden upsurge of business activity today. Bound by a debt of honor, you delight in the challenge of being superhuman and making it look easy. Of course, it never hurts to have solid logistical support. No one has to know what goes on behind the magic curtain.

Libra Horoscope for Sunday, 3 December 2023  

(Sunday, 3 December 2023)   

Don`t feel obligated to share anything you don`t want to. People who don`t know you don`t need to be privy to what goes on in your personal life. With everything that`s happening, it`s in your best interests to withdraw into the privacy of your immediate circle. It should be easy to see that the personal needs of your loved ones are more important than the casual demands of a larger world. You can face strangers again once you`ve gotten organized, but not a moment before.

Scorpio Horoscope for Sunday, 3 December 2023  

(Sunday, 3 December 2023)  

Just because you`re fully anchored in reality doesn`t mean that everyone else is. It`s easy to be impatient with others who aren`t operating in the present tense. You can try, but pulling rank probably won`t do any good. Besides, you have too much going on in your own life to pay too much attention to what everyone else is doing. Love fills your world and stops all the clocks. The things that matter to you are measured on a different scale.

Sagittarius Horoscope for Sunday, 3 December 2023  

(Sunday, 3 December 2023)  

When you look back on everything you`ve done, the past week seems like one big roller coaster ride. Luckily, you are able to finish your obligations right now with no problem. Those to whom you`re obligated should know that, for now, they`re dealing with a vessel that needs refueling. Depleted resources are due for a period of restoration. This is a great time to make an appointment for a massage or to spend the day relaxing at home. Placing a Do Not Disturb sign on your door might be a good idea.

Capricorn Horoscope for Sunday, 3 December 2023  

(Sunday, 3 December 2023) 

This is the day you get to take stock of what you`ve been working toward. When you go over the checklist, you are absolutely delighted to learn that everything you hoped for is starting to come true. If you`re in the mood to celebrate, seek out the people who can really understand what all this means to you. The time has come to look back at your hardships and laugh at them. It`s only a matter of time before the whole world knows your value.

Aquarius Horoscope for Sunday, 3 December 2023  

(Sunday, 3 December 2023)  

You grow more and more restless as you realize that you`re stuck in some kind of cosmic traffic jam. You might have to sit tight where you are for now, Aquarius. Due to the Stars, change or exchange may not be possible until next week. Since you can`t make your intended move now, you`ll have to content yourself with watching or ignoring events in which you can`t participate. For now, curb your desires and work with what you have. It isn`t the end of the world -- it just seems that way.

Pisces Horoscope for Sunday, 3 December 2023  

(Sunday, 3 December 2023) 

Make sure that there`s some method to your madness. Perhaps you can learn something from the teachers of the past. Athenian scholars believed in testing hypotheses twice -- maybe you should, too. After what you`ve been through these past couple of days, you definitely understand the nature of perfect inspiration in an imperfect world by now. Record your decisions to make for an easier review process. Be sure to write legibly so that the students of the future will be able to study your findings.

A Guide to All 12 Astrological Signs

This article was previously published on UAE Moments.To see the original article, click here