Your Daily Horoscope: Thursday, August 29, 2024

  • Publish date: Wednesday، 28 August 2024

The 12 Zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

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A Guide to All 12 Astrological Signs


Make plenty of time for sweetness and softness throughout the coming weeks, dearest Ram, as Venus moves into Libra and your solar seventh house. This planetary placement lends support to your romantic affairs and closest friendships, so be sure to invest your heart accordingly. Take space to reflect on your own needs as the Cancer moon aspects Saturn, especially if you've been going above and beyond for other people recently. Avoid taking on too much work at once when the sun and North Node form an unbalanced aspect this afternoon. Self-nurture as a way to find healing when Chiron stirs tonight.

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Venus enters Libra and your house of health and wellness, dearest Taurus, urging you to do right by your heart, mind, and soul. The more you invest in self-improvement and living your best life, the healthier your relationships will become. You could make friends in high places when the Cancer moon blows a kiss to Saturn, while networking should lead to exciting professional developments. Steady yourself when the sun and North Node form an unbalanced connection this afternoon, or your passionate nature might blind you. Intense thoughts or feelings may creep in when Chiron activities later tonight, so show yourself some extra love.


Fun, passion, and flirtation collide throughout the coming weeks, darling Gemini, as Venus enters Libra and your solar fifth house. Heated love affairs, creative breakthroughs, and increased popularity could manifest under this planetary placement, and you'll want to follow what inspires and drives you most. Take a stand for what you're worth when the Cancer moon shares a sweet connection with Saturn, helping you take a rational and firm approach to success. Consider if your screen habits may be impacting your private life when the sun and North Node form an unbalanced aspect, carving out more quality time with the ones you love.

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You'll be reminded that home is where the heart is, darling Crab, as harmonious Venus enters Libra. Fill your space with good company, delicious food, and uplifting activities throughout the coming weeks to make the most of these vibes. This planetary placement also grants full permission to spend less time out and more time indoors, practicing self-care. Meanwhile, Luna continues her journey through your sign, aspecting Saturn to reinforce your spiritual beliefs. Try not to get sidetracked with professional gossip when the sun and North Node form an unbalanced connection, as the rumors you hear may not be true. Avoid shutting others out tonight when Chiron becomes agitated and tensions brew.


You'll feel like flirting often and everywhere throughout the coming weeks, darling Lion, as Venus enters Libra and your house of communication. Don't feel guilty about indulging in playful banter with peers and strangers alike, but remember your loyalties and commitments while swimming in these vibes. Do some soul searching when the Cancer moon blows a kiss to Saturn this morning, especially if it's time to get serious about breaking cycles and empowering the self. Connect with your spirituality later tonight when the North Node and Chiron activate in the sector of your chart that governs higher thinking.


You'll have a gift for manifesting throughout the coming weeks, darling Virgo, as Venus enters Libra and the sector of your chart that governs possessions and resources. Now is also a good time to lay down steady foundations within matters of the heart, cultivating the security you crave in a significant other or best friend. Your popularity rises as the Cancer moon blows a kiss to Saturn, especially when you walk with composure and strength. Don't be afraid to evolve, but choose commitments wisely when the sun and North Node form an unbalanced aspect this afternoon. Steer clear of drama and power struggles within your social sphere once Luna and Chiron square off.


You should feel up waking refreshed, empowered, and full of gratitude, sweet Libra, as Venus enters your sign and aspects Pluto. Expect your star to rise throughout the coming weeks, making power moves now to get the ball rolling. Working hard and demonstrating leadership within team dynamics will serve you as the Cancer moon connects with Saturn, especially when you lay out new strategies. You may feel slightly unseen this afternoon when the sun and North Node form an unbalanced aspect, but try not to harbor resentments. Don't be offended if people need their space later tonight when Chiron becomes agitated.


Funnel extra love, compassion, and TLC to yourself, sweet Scorpion, as Venus enters Libra and your solar fourth house. This energy is perfect for finding self-acceptance and inner peace, though you may benefit from the support of a compassionate ear when delving in dark waters. You'll feel committed to the spiritual path you walk upon when the Cancer moon blows a kiss to Saturn. Themes around karma can also come into play, so try not to fight where you are led. Avoid shaping your future based on what other people are doing when the sun and North Node enter an unbalanced alignment. Seek mind, body, and soul connection when Chiron activates tonight.

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You'll have plenty of activities to choose from throughout the coming weeks, dear Sagittarius, as Venus enters relationship-oriented Libra and your solar eleventh house. Community bonds will grow during this time, helping you cultivate a solid network of love and support. You'll feel the winds of change when the Cancer moon and Saturn align, urging you to get serious about what must happen if you're to evolve and build empowerment. Examine your relationship with restriction and self-control when the sun and North Node enter an unbalanced connection, tempering any feelings of restlessness that emerge. Just don't demand too much of yourself at once when Chiron becomes agitated later tonight.


Expect to see more movement within your career throughout the coming weeks, darling Capricorn, as Venus enters Libra and your solar tenth house. Lean into professional relationships to further your prospects, and learn from those with more experience whenever you can. Meanwhile, the Cancer moon and Saturn align to bring romantic stability your way, helping you steady any choppy tides you've been dealing with in matters of the heart. Avoid overextending yourself to nurture others when the sun and North Node enters an unbalanced aspect, or you could wind up emotionally depleted. Watch out for strain at home when Chiron becomes agitated tonight.


Love will move more freely throughout the coming weeks, darling Aquarius, as Venus enters Libra and your house of expansion. Luck and connection will go hand in hand, and the more love and care you put out into the world, the more you will receive in return. Meanwhile, Pluto stirs in your sign, asking you to consider who you wish to evolve alongside. The stars ask you to work hard for the prosperity you seek when the Cancer moon and Saturn align, bringing reward through responsibility and resilience. Watch out for high standards and overstimulation when Chiron becomes agitated tonight.


Things could get real within matters of the heart, sweet Pisces, as Venus moves into Libra and the sector of your chart that governs commitments. A helpful trine to Pluto reminds you to focus on yourself as well during this time, breaking free from patterns that haven't served you in the past. You'll have no trouble standing your ground when the Cancer moon aspects Saturn, marking the ideal time to push your agendas forward. Just remember to build from the ground up when the sun and North Node align, or you could wind up with unsteady foundations.

A Guide to All 12 Astrological Signs

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This article was previously published on UAE Moments.To see the original article, click here