Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of August 17th

  • Publish date: Sunday، 11 August 2024

The 12 zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

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Your horoscope for the week of August 11 to 17, 2024, is here.

Read: Your Daily Chinese Horoscope

Try your luck midweek as you perfect your pitch and go for it; take that leap of faith. Meanwhile, Mercury continues its retrograde journey. What are you reprising or setting straight? Who has popped up from the past? Take the message and don’t confuse it with the messenger. If you’ve been a little critical with your internal dialogue, this is your time to let go of what irks you and return to what lights you up. Take action to close the gap between where you are now and what you want to be feeling, experiencing, or achieving. As La Luna’s light continues to grow over the week, this weekend is a fine time to get social, host a party, or otherwise get out and about.

Find your weekly horoscope for your zodiac sign below. We recommend reading the horoscopes for your rising sign.

Return to a question about dating, creative self-expression, or leisure as Mercury backtracks on its retrograde journey. What ground are you going back over, themes revisiting, or otherwise picking up where you left off? Is there an old hobby you haven’t gotten around to reviving, or one that really needs to go? Your ruling planet Mars lines up with expansive Jupiter in your sphere of local connections, suggesting luck is close by. Talk to your network and take the lead on an idea or project you’ve been harboring. If podcasting is the new blogging, then choose that medium to get your ideas out there. Pick up a course that will accelerate an interest or direction, or lead the way for a local collection of people who share a topic of interest.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

Return to a question about dating, creative self-expression, or leisure as Mercury backtracks on its retrograde journey. What ground are you going back over, themes revisiting, or otherwise picking up where you left off? Is there an old hobby you haven’t gotten around to reviving, or one that really needs to go? Your ruling planet Mars lines up with expansive Jupiter in your sphere of local connections, suggesting luck is close by. Talk to your network and take the lead on an idea or project you’ve been harboring. If podcasting is the new blogging, then choose that medium to get your ideas out there. Pick up a course that will accelerate an interest or direction, or lead the way for a local collection of people who share a topic of interest.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

With two power planets guzzling air in your sign, you’ve got a whirlwind of energy to burn. Find a worthy goal and make sure you pull in loose threads if you notice you’re getting scattered like leaves ahead of a leaf blower. Mars and Jupiter merge in Gemini on Wednesday, making it the best moment to launch out loud, initiate a big action plan, or start that opus/book/TED Talk. Friday you’ll need to test your plan to make sure the kite can really fly. Meanwhile, Mercury, your ruling planet, is retrograde and slips back into your zone of local connections midweek. What might you be going back to address, straighten up, or research?

Read More: How to Dress According to Your Zodiac Sign

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Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Ready to rethink your income and perhaps reframe a value? Mercury is backtracking into your finance zone, so it’s time to get out the calculator and pore over your latest big idea. Perhaps your plan could be more majestic. If you’re going to do something, you may as well do it properly! With Mars and Jupiter merging in a talkative sign, you might feel some restlessness thanks to a busy mind or undercurrent in your zen zone. Get your thoughts and intuitions out of your head and down in a journal for clarity. There are bound to be some very useful ideas or insights. Like panning for gold, let them all come out and onto the paper.

Leo Weekly Horoscope

Just when you thought things couldn’t get spicier, Mercury slides back into your sign as it continues its retrograde. What creative project might you be swinging back to check, retool, or re-establish? It may be sharpening your goal, creating a priority list of items needed, and budgeting to go with it. In any case, you’ll need to know where you want to go so you can make your plan. Delays and crossed wires could be on the cards, so triple-check everything. Perhaps it’s your communication that could be sharpened? Mighty Mars and generous Jupiter combine forces in your social sphere midweek, making this a period of payoffs for you when you take action on your inspiration, beliefs, and walk your talk in a big way. Get out, be social, self-promote, and connect. Make hay while the sun shines, as they say.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Communication planet Mercury slips out of your sign midweek and back into Leo on its retrograde journey. Kicking up dust, fuss, and a few crossed wires in your zen zone (how’s your sleep?), this is a great period to lie low and recoup some energy. Pull your various parts of self together in order to unify, consolidate, and digest. Something is ready for change with your connection to the mystic, perhaps ready to be revealed from the depths of your subconscious—or is that collective consciousness. Give voice through a creative medium, and journal on waking to gain clarity. Mars and Jupiter combine in your career zone and act like booster rockets of energy, inspiration, and go factor. What will you set in motion, Virgo?

Read More: The Best Places to Travel Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Libra Weekly Horoscope

As Mercury retrogrades back into your sphere of groups, friendships, and peers, this is a great time to review and course-correct. Perhaps a creative collective, connecting with people who share an interest or industry is better than going it alone. Run ideas by others to gather intel or consider a collective approach to creativity or a project. Perhaps a friendship group could benefit from a more playful expression. Games night, improv, or sharing an artistic contribution at a dinner party are all on the cards. It’s Leo season, so think dramatic arts and a sense of fun. Mars and Jupiter align for a blast of energy and travel or study inspiration. Get going or plan your adventure. Your inner preacher, professor, or lawyer may be all fired up, so make like Reese Witherspoon’s character in the film Legally Blonde and have plenty of terminology at your disposal.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

La Luna deep dives in Scorpio on Saturday night through to the early hours of Tuesday. Get creative, romantic, intense, and go for a grand statement with your personal style and approach to new situations. Your heart is on your sleeve over this period, so share where you’re at and mind the extra-sensitive moments. You’re picking up on the vibes, or on more than is being said, so honor your intel. Mercury slides back into your career and public-image zone, suggesting this is the area that could do with revising and tweaking. Watch out for something you might have missed that needs updating, and be ready to communicate. Mars and Jupiter align in your sphere of other people’s resources, bringing luck if you initiate or take action. You’re more likely to get what you ask or pitch for, so prepare your proposal.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

La Luna canters through your sign Tuesday morning through Thursday lunchtime, so go on an adventure and seek inspiration. This is a loud and fun-loving energy; make time to play and reignite a meaningful vision. As Mercury backtracks into your study, travel, and international sphere, you may feel the pull of far-flung places. Research over this period rather than take action. Better to be prepared before hitting the “book now” button. Study? Maybe? Preaching and teaching? Always. Drill down on your message and make it entertaining. Energetic Mars and your ruling planet Jupiter merge in your sphere of one-to-one relationships; this is go time. Reach out, make connections, draw that person in, and take a leap of faith. A dynamic person may walk into your life, or it’s the teamwork that makes the dream work. Twinning is winning this week.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

As the moon moves through your sign from Thursday lunch to late Saturday afternoon, you know what to do. Ignite your inner business baron and get to work. Your intuition is strong, so note what you’re feeling and picking up around you. Duty may call, so work out whether it’s your responsibility rather than shoulder someone else’s. Mercury revisits your sex and intimacy sphere from midweek, so what themes are reprised here? Ask yourself if it is fun, playful, or positive. Do you need more joy or creativity between you and your special someone? Or is that someone you’re ready to draw into your private life? Rethinking this area is on the cards for you; visualize exactly what you want to feel and experience. Mars and Jupiter in your sphere of work, wellness, and routine suggest a thrust of energy for connecting, so hand out that card and pitch your latest idea.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Building to a full moon early next week, La Luna graces your sign from late Saturday afternoon and over the rest of the weekend, making it a great time to be with a group of friends or make new ones. People with a common interest or cause feel especially nurturing, so make plans to meet up. Since the full moon energy is already ramped in your sign, let off steam mindfully and decide how you want to spend this lunar peak. Mercury slips back into your opposite sign, ready to review a relationship or your overall one-to-ones. What and who do you want to feel, experience, and enjoy? If wires cross, just sort them out and don’t mind the drama dialed up, your opposite sign is Leo after all.

Since Mars and Jupiter gang up in your leisure and romance sector, there’s some dating to be done or time off to be enjoyed. Ready to launch into a creative pastime? Get the items you need to make it happen.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Mercury is up to its old tricks as it retrogrades back into your sphere of work and wellness. What might you be better off reviewing or tweaking for a better fit or outcome here? It’s in the sign of Leo, so leadership and creativity are themes to be explored and expressed. Are you communicating in the right way? Are you valuing yourself like the original creative queen that you are? If your workouts have been missing or just boring, it’s time to pep them up to keep your head in the game, inspired, and energized. Change your routine to something that makes you shine with energy and pride. Mars and Jupiter unite in your domestic sphere, amplifying communication and the energy to get a job done fast. What plans do you have for expansion or even moving here? While you have the energy for it, get things rolling.

This article was previously published on UAE Moments.To see the original article, click here