Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of August 24th

  • Publish date: Sunday، 18 August 2024

The 12 zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

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A Guide to All 12 Astrological Signs

Your horoscope for the week of August 18 to 24, 2024, is here.

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A full moon in quirky Aquarius hits the ball way out of the park this Monday with an "anything-can-happen" twist; get into the groove by trying something new and make it hyper-social! We’re on the home stretch of Leo season as the Sun slides into the Earth sign Virgo on Thursday. Now, it’s time to clean, tidy, and get organized. Virgo is a sign of feminine independence and work, so polish your résumé to top-notch and carve out your niche. Take only the most practical steps that get results. Wellness and nutrition benefit from a daily routine you can maintain. Start with one new health hack as you bin a bad habit. Success is all in the details, and preparedness will get you ahead of the pack in almost every area—not just this season, but for life!

Monday’s full moon in your sphere of friends, groups, and peers suggests connecting with an eclectic mix of people who share an interest or common ground. Don’t overdo the budget by spending spontaneously unless you have a cooling-off period—I suggest you sleep on it. Find your people and plug in! Virgo season kicks off this Thursday with an emphasis on earthy practicality in your sphere of work and wellness. Tighten up, simplify, and streamline your nutrition, exercise, and work environment. This is your time to file, declutter, and clear out. It may be tedious, but you’ll feel better once it’s done. The moon in your sign from Wednesday evening through Friday night is perfect for getting physical or taking on a challenge. Note what inspires you and fires you up!

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

La Luna peaks to full intensity in your career and public image sphere on Monday, so beware of publicly oversharing! This one has group energy appeal, so be sure to work as a collective and share the attention and acknowledgment if it comes your way. Set at a tense angle to your sign, you may feel some tension that requires major adjustment to accommodate. This is where the group comes in; let the hive mind work on it rather than making it entirely up to you. There’s nothing you can’t achieve together. Call on your professional network or send it out to your viewers, fans, or however you engage, and see what comes back. Virgo season begins on Thursday, supporting your sign as you are both Earth signs. Make this a practical month and focus on your personal interests and talents, have fun, and dial up the romance factor.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

This week follows on from last week with more action and drama in your sign. Cast back to December 2020—what did you begin or what shift was made then? This is a testing moment on the same or a similar theme. A stage in its progress that might be tense, but for good reason. Forge or craft your idea, work, image, or path for the next stage of its evolution. Monday’s full moon lights up your sphere of travel and study, so tap into a broad, collective vision and think well ahead. This is a detached and group-oriented theme, so note the news or any other intel you’d like to stir into the conversation and see what emerges when various sources or opinions weigh in. Virgo season begins on Thursday with a little shoulder-shoving to your sign. In your domestic sphere, it lights up all things family and home. Get yours organized and tend to the nitty-gritty details.

Read More: How to Dress According to Your Zodiac Sign

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Cancer Weekly Horoscope

La Luna is your ‘ruling’ planet, ebbing and flowing like the feelings associated with your sign. This Monday, it’s full in your sphere of subterranean emotions, personal taboos, and other people’s steamy sides. In the sign of emotionally detached Aquarius, you may feel a little at odds with your own interior life or benefit from the perspective. A friend or acquaintance could try to third-wheel into your private life, so set and assert your personal boundaries. Keep secrets under lock and key; this isn’t the time to air them publicly or to someone who isn’t watertight. Virgo season ignites your sphere of local connections, short trips, and courses. Get involved in your community or at least establish first-name basis with people in your area whom you’re drawn to.

Leo Weekly Horoscope

Leo season winds up on Thursday, so make this week count with a few extra shopping hauls, creative works, romantic gestures, or signature moves! Mercury retrograde and the Sun merge in your sign on Monday—what brilliant idea (or messenger) pops back up? Don’t ignore it! Each solar season hosts a full moon in its opposite sign, and this Monday is yours, with the full moon in group-loving Aquarius. The polarity stirred is one of being the star or leader, balanced by the best overall interests of the group. Remember, every Leo worth their salt knows the best leaders are the ones in service to the people they lead. Set a sterling example and share your genius to spark the fire in others. Relationships are highlighted, so balance your path with the needs of your relationship without sacrificing one for the other!

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Your season approaches, Virgo. But first, on Sunday, your ruling planet Mercury (still in retrograde) merges with the light of our cosmos, the Sun. This is a moment of clarity and the creative power of your mind. In your Zen and sleep zone, it’s best channeled through going within, tapping into your creative side, or interpreting your dreams. Before hitting the hay, set intentions for what you want answers on. Monday, a full moon breaks into peak silver light in your work and wellness sphere. Group projects are favored, and be sure to keep up or implement your fitness and nutrition regimen. Thursday, it’s officially Virgo season, so happy birthday and many happy returns (of the Sun). This is your time to shine by doing what lights you up, energizes you, and builds up that all-important confidence and self-esteem.

Read More: The Best Places to Travel Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Libra Weekly Horoscope

The weekend hosts an epiphany or illuminating meeting of the minds through a friend or group experience you won’t want to miss. Any bright ideas in the offing? Write them down and consider protecting your intellectual property. A full moon beams into your romance and leisure zone on Monday, so note your feelings and what you’re compelled to create, or who you’re more than ready to hang out with. With Virgo season headlining the cosmic bill from Thursday, the spotlight is in numinous mode in your sphere of Zen and dreams. It’s worth setting an intention for sleep and jotting down whatever snippets you remember in the morning. With the sign of hygiene in this sector, sleep hygiene is a must. Stick to a nightly routine, and tap into your inner sanctum through mindfulness or meditation. This is a great chance to recharge ahead of your birthday season.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

A full moon on Monday lights up your domestic sphere, suggesting a peak or pressure point in a cycle that began six months ago. With a tense aspect to your sign, it’s best to let off steam and find a way to manage any conflicting forces. You do you and make space for both your career and personal life at home and with family. If someone tries to grind your gears, find a way to detach and make necessary changes. This could be an incredibly exciting and energy-filled start to the week if you’re willing to do things differently. Thursday is the gateway to Virgo season, lighting up your sphere of groups, friends, and people with a shared interest. Why not get your girl gang together, join a club or meetup group, and focus on a project, consciousness-raising, or volunteering? If you’re the type to start your own nonprofit or campaign, now’s your time to shine.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

A vibe check for the full moon in group-oriented Aquarius this Monday will most likely come back strong on connecting with your local squad, so make the weekend a social one. In your sphere of local connections and shorter courses, nourish and nurture yourself through knowledge, learning, or deciding to teach. This is wacky energy, so roll with any surprises and heed the call to change up a particular area of life that’s past its expiration date. Be free, Sagittarius! Virgo season shines a light on your professional and public persona starting Thursday. This sign is exacting with detail and efficiency, which you’re not known for. Even though you have a lot of energy, it’s best to apply it rather than scatter it in too many directions. Support your best career potential so you’re in a better position to lead, teach, and influence positively.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

If your mind has been on the money, it could be due to the light La Luna is shedding across your financial and values sphere. As it hits full moon mode on Monday, this is your time to note your feelings around how you’re earning and investing, and what shifts to your work and wellness routines could tweak or even radically affect it for the positive. Radical change in your habits could make a big difference if you’ve let things slide in favor of productivity or duty. Virgo season rolls in on Thursday, further emphasizing how essential it is to attend to the details of your life, health, and work. Activating your sphere of international travel, higher education, and philosophy, it’s time to get down to the fine print in your modus operandi. Edit and update where necessary.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Each sign hosts a full moon once a year, and this week it’s yours. La Luna’s peak tends to draw out our inner tides in the form of feelings. Note what washes up onto the shores of your consciousness. This one is likely to intensify your desire for freedom, friends, human rights, and general quirk appeal. Be with friends or a group you’re involved with, and expect the unexpected in a twist, turn, or otherwise unforeseen plot development. This full moon is about balance between your personal path, that of others, and where your paths intersect. Enjoy the mix! Virgo season begins on Thursday as the Sun lights up this practical Earth sign for the next month. In your sphere of intimacy, all things hidden or taboo, and other people’s resources, you could be getting up close and personal with a steamy someone—or taking a closer look as you do your due diligence before proceeding to pool talent in a collective endeavor.

Since Mars and Jupiter gang up in your leisure and romance sector, there’s some dating to be done or time off to be enjoyed. Ready to launch into a creative pastime? Get the items you need to make it happen.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Monday’s full moon shines across your dreamscape as it lights up your Zen zone. Look after your nervous system with plenty of relaxing downtime, reading, music, or creativity, so you don’t peak too soon and fry your circuits. Dreams may be extra vivid and just a little wacky, so record them or use them for creative inspiration. On Thursday, the Sun glides into your opposite sign of Virgo, marking your half-year point between birthdays. Balancing out your sign, Virgo is all about detail and order, countering your rose-colored glasses and creative chaos. Health, routine, and early nights are favored, so embrace the simple life and consider a light detox if you’ve been indulging. Hosted by your relationship sector, the emphasis is on one-to-one connections, so tidy up your boundaries, get your expectations clear (try writing them out), and enjoy time with your favorite person.

This article was previously published on UAE Moments.To see the original article, click here