Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of December 10th

  • Publish date: Monday، 04 December 2023

The 12 zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

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A Guide to All 12 Astrological Signs

Your horoscope for the week of December 4 to December 10, 2023, is here, and everything is happening everywhere all at once. 
Read: Your Daily Chinese Horoscope

Over the next four weeks, we’ll see the last Mercury retrograde of the year, the final new moon of the year, and one final full moon of the year, all leading up to the start of 2024. This week starts on a serious note when Venus, the planet of romance, manifestation, and money, moves into Scorpio on December 4, 2023, deepening our desires for the real thing. While Venus in Libra mingled with the South Node (karmic bonds), indulging in bad habits and old patterns of behavior was easy. Now that Venus is entering Scorpio, it’s time to realize where our vices limit us.

You’re getting a chance to strengthen the bonds that matter most to you, but you have to admit where you’re putting up walls and sabotaging yourself in order to see long-term success. Venus in Scorpio wants you to look seriously at your deep commitments. Don’t be afraid to ask the tough questions and explore your darker emotions on the matter; they hold the key to the answer you’re looking for.

Speaking of the new year, don't be surprised if your worldview shifts on December 6, 2023, when Neptune ends its extended retrograde in Pisces. When the planet of dreams and illusions spends an extended amount of time retrograde, the stars ask us to rethink why we want what we want. For the last few months, you've been weighing all your options and moving toward the one that aligns with your calling. Neptune retrograde allowed you to tear through the pre-conceived idea of what success looks like. Now that Neptune has stationed direct, it's time to take action and manifest your dreams.

Finally, the astrology of next week will see the final new moon of the year align with the start of the last Mercury retrograde of 2023. If you want to stay ahead of the game, this is the perfect time to finish your Christmas shopping, book your flights for the holiday travels, and tie up any loose ends before the start of the year. Mercury will station retrograde on December 13, 2023, and stay there until New Year’s Day 2024. Take advantage of the energy of this week and set yourself up for a smooth ride towards NYE.

Find your weekly horoscope for your zodiac sign below. We recommend reading the horoscopes for your rising sign.

Aries Weekly Horoscope

This is a big week for you, Aries. Venus moves into Scorpio, a fellow Mars-ruled sign, providing you with a significant increase in energy. Your first instinct might be to get as much done as possible, but the better move is to focus on one or two big projects that need wrapping up. Venus in Scorpio highlights the significance of exercising patience and attention to detail, which can transform a good outcome into an exceptional one. Make a point of not rushing through things this week and enjoying yourself. You've been so focused on control that you forgot to have fun. With Neptune moving forward, trust your intuition and reconnect with your joy. 

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

Things are looking up for you this week, Taurus. This week, Venus in Scorpio will add a sweet aura to your world, especially in love and romance. It's an excellent time to go out on a date with that special someone or get out and try to meet new people. Even if it's just for fun, you have a flirtatious edge this week that could land you a free drink or two. Neptune's retrograde ending won't do much to change your exterior world yet, but that's because Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, is still retrograde in your sign until the end of the month. It might feel like everyone but you is being rewarded in the coming weeks; however, the big payoff for you starts in the new year. So, rather than let your frustration hold you back, take this week to appreciate your resilience and determination, even when the cards were stacked against you.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

This week will be a good practice in patience for you, Gemini. Last week's full moon in your sign might've sent shockwaves through your social life or dragged you into drama you didn't want to be a part of. Now that the emotions have subsided, this week is about damage control. Venus in Scorpio reminds you that sometimes it's best to take the high road. Express your frustrations with what happened and set clear boundaries about what you expect in the future. But as far as emotional grudges go, you're better off leaving them behind than bringing them into the new year. If you don't think you can reconcile what happened, it's time to re-examine this friendship. 

Cancer Weekly Horoscope

This week will have you deep in your feelings, Cancer. Neptune's retrograde in Pisces allowed you to reconnect with your inner child and get reacquainted with old dreams you had let slip through your fingers. It was a chance to reparent yourself and heal your internal wounds. With Neptune moving direct alongside Venus moving into Scorpio, you can begin the transformation process that starts after inner healing. Your darkness and your fears are fuel for what motivates you in life. After an emotionally chaotic year, you're coming out the other side more confident that you can weather the storm, hoping that a brighter day is on the horizon. Take all the lessons you learn this week and channel them into your New Year's resolutions. 

Leo Weekly Horoscope

This week is your chance to embrace the spirit of the holidays, Leo. Venus in Scorpio will speak to your emotional sensibilities and push you to seek out volunteer opportunities and community-organizing events. See if a local community center or church in your area does a holiday miracle tree, and buy gifts for children who might not have the means otherwise. Don't be surprised if this kindness sparks something deeper within you. Pluto moves into Aquarius in January 2024, setting off a journey of self-examination and expansion. You're shifting your view from self–focused to selflessness and learning to channel your gifts for the greater good. Connect with your spirit guides before Mercury retrograde for guidance on your resolutions.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

This week could be a mixed bag for you, Virgo. Your planetary ruler, Mercury, is about to station retrograde next week and will stay there for the rest of the year. You like to resolve your old problems and issues before moving on, and this retrograde could throw a wrench into your plans. Luckily, Venus will enter Scorpio this week, giving you the courage to say what's on your heart. Don't focus on who is right and wrong in the matter; look for a common emotional ground that you can build on. Neptune will end its retrograde in Pisces, alleviating the confusion from your love life. While Neptune was in Pisces, you were asked to re-examine your standards and raise the bar for who can access your energy. You've learned that you don't ask for too much and that being authentic in your desires will lead to ultimate satisfaction.

Libra Weekly Horoscope

It's time to get back to reality, Libra. You went over the top when Venus was in Libra, indulging in your favorite guilty pleasures. Whether this was getting out of your usual workout routine, rotting away in bed, or ignoring the group chat in favor of rest, you focused on yourself. With Venus in Scorpio, it's time to prioritize relationships. For the next few weeks, take the initiative and reach out to people that you last saw a while ago and want to catch up with. Neptune in Pisces reminds you that your dreams won't work unless you do. Now is the perfect time to get your daily schedule back to a manageable pace to start the new year with healthy habits.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

This week might have you feeling like you want to burn it all down, Scorpio, but you'll want to resist giving in to your impulses. Venus moves into the Scorpio this week and will quickly form an opposition to Jupiter retrograde in Taurus. This will light up your financial sector, resulting in surprise bills, tax issues, or unexpected expenses. It might sting to deal with, but keeping cool and handling the situation best is essential. Your finances will feel much less stressed when Jupiter's retrograde ends at the end of the month. This year completely changed what you value and how you allocate your resources. Use this week to leave that ugly mess behind for good.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

You're in the final stretch, Sagittarius; don't slow down now! Your planetary ruler, Jupiter, has been retrograde for months, forcing you to slow down and take your time with things. This has resulted in many advantageous opportunities you'd only dreamed of, so you can't let next week's Mercury retrograde throw you off your game. Use the positive momentum of Neptune stationing direct to map out a rough plan for your goals next year. Keep the list vague enough for freedom and flexibility, but be bold and set hard and ambitious goals for yourself. 2024 is your year to prove that being carefree and optimistic doesn't mean you shouldn't be taken seriously. Your experiences are valuable, and it's time to enter an era of responsibility and respect. 

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

This is the best week of the month for you, Capricorn, so let's make the most of it. Mercury is in your sign before it stations retrograde on December 13, 2023, giving you a mental edge. You've been reflecting on everything you conquered this year, and the planet of communication will help refine your strategy for the year ahead. As Pluto leaves your sign in January, you're coming into the final evolution of your power. Everything you've done has led to this point; now it's up to you to write the future. Venus in Scorpio will help you dig deep and grasp how you fit into the big picture. You were less impressed with physical manifestations of success, like money, promotions, and material goods, and instead, you're reaching out to connect with what's true for you. Take this week to honor all the trials and triumphs that got you where you are.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

It's all coming together, Aquarius, are you ready for it? Pluto is set to enter your sign in 2024, and the air is ripe with possibility for the next few weeks. As Venus enters Scorpio, you'll have the opportunity to connect with your inner monologue. You've allowed fear to motivate your actions for far too long; what would happen if you pursued the things that spoke to your soft side instead? Get out of your usual routine this week and seek out new community spaces, both online and in person, that you can integrate into. Change happens when we step outside of ourselves, and this week is a perfect time to experiment with who you're becoming in the coming year.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

You're usually a free-flowing and easy-going person, Pisces, but Neptune retrograde had to slip back into people-pleasing patterns to appease society's expectations of you. Maybe you just fell off the radar, or you were pretending to be someone else for a bit, but with Neptune stationing direct and joining forces with Saturn in your sign, the stars are reminding you that living for someone else's dreams isn't worth all the effort. Life is what you make it, and Venus in Scorpio will redirect your focus to the old passions that once enriched your life. The changes you make in the next few weeks will bring you closer to the people aligning with your values. It feels like you're slowly waking up from a haze and returning to yourself. 

This article was previously published on UAE Moments.To see the original article, click here